Tara Slocum: President & Founder

Who Are We….And Why Choose Us
Since 2008, we have been making a difference in the Court Reporting industry. Our philosophy is rooted in the size of our company. We believe that being the “right size” enables us to provide the best personal and professional service. Hands-on describes how we operate. We never broker cases out of state and only work with companies we know will maintain our standards. Our staff and reporters are extremely talented and dedicated. We have ample personnel to ensure that your business is seamlessly managed from inception to conclusion.
Please peruse our testimonial page to better understand how our clients perceive us.
Lorena Castro -
Financial Admin Assistant
Joviana Rosado:
Production Admin Assistant.

Contact Information and Offices
We have two locations in Orlando, with additional offices in Daytona Beach, Lakeland, Clermont, Tampa, Jacksonville and South Florida. We have a select network of affiliate agencies across the country as well.
Office Hours: 8:00am – 5:00pm Monday through Friday
Office Telephone: 407-440-3382
After Hours or in Emergency: 321-663-4424
Email us at: Email Legal Realtime
Angie Jimenez:

Kirbi Slocum: Finance

Certification and Education
Our Reporting staff is fully certified: CRR (Certified Realtime Reporter),
RPR (Registered Professional Reporter), CSR (Certified Shorthand Reporter from Cailfornia) All of these designations require continuing education and are considered the highest accreditation in the industry.